%   The workflow repair engine
%   Reasoning module
%   The reasoning module takes as input:
%   - the workflow model
%   - the failure information
%   - information about the initial workflow execution (execution log)
%   - the time model (time slots)
%   and generates
%   - the repair plan which leads the workflow to the correct (w.r.t. object states) completion
%   The repair reasoner is implemented using DLV system.
%   See www.dlvsystem.com for further information.
%   (c) 2006-2008

%  nodes are ordered time points
%  before is defined on time points
node(Y):-next(X,Y). % ,#int(X),#int(Y).

before(X,Z) :- next(X,Z).
before(X,Z) :- before(X,Y), before(Y,Z), X != Z.

%   preceiding of activities is the transitive relation
%   preceiding is defined on activities according to WF model

prec(A,B):- prec(A,C), prec(C,B).

%%%% RIGHTVERSION of an object
%   object has a right version (w.r.t. to an activity which effects it) only if there were no possibility to 
%   overwrite it

rightVersion(A,OI,AI,T) :- prec(AI,A), node(T), 
                     ineffset(AI,OI), inreadset(A,OI), not unfixed(A,OI,AI,T).
unfixed(A,OI,AI,T) :- prec(AI,B), prec(B,A),  node(T), 
                    ineffset(B,OI), ineffset(AI,OI), not skipped(B,T), inreadset(A,OI).

%%%% -SUSPECTED activities
%   an object state is not suspected to be infected if 
%   (1) the application $v$ of activity $a$ which
%       produced $o$ was correct at $v$, 
%   (2) at $t$ this activity is enabled
%   (3) at $t$ all inputs of $a$ are correct and these inputs are in the
%       right version for $a$ 
%   (4) the object state of $(o,a,v)$ was not
%       produced by different applications of activities. 

someInputSuspOrFalseVersion(A,V,T) :- 
                inreadset(A,OI), node(T), 
                dep(O,A,V,OI,AI,VI), not rightVersion(A,OI,AI,T).

someInputSuspOrFalseVersion(A,V,T) :- 
                inreadset(A,OI), node(T), 
                dep(O,A,V,OI,AI,VI), not notsusp(OI,AI,VI,T).

diffVersions(O,A,V) :- depTrans(O,A,V,Oi,Ai,Vi1), depTrans(O,A,V,Oi,Ai,Vi2), Vi1 != Vi2.

notsusp(O,A,V,T) :- node(T), ok(A,V), ineffset(A,O), completed(A,V,T),
                    enabled(A,T), not someInputSuspOrFalseVersion(A,V,T), not diffVersions(O,A,V).                
%   check that all current states of input objects at $t$ of an activity $a$ are not suspected to be 
%   infected and have correct versions

someCurrInputSuspOrUnfixed(A,T) :- 
                inreadset(A,OI), node(T), 
                cversion(OI,AI,VI,T), not notsusp(OI,AI,VI,T).
someCurrInputSuspOrUnfixed(A,T) :- 
                inreadset(A,OI), node(T), 
                cversion(OI,AI,VI,T), notsusp(OI,AI,VI,T), not rightVersion(A,OI,AI,T).   

%   dep relation shows dependencies between objects
%   this relation is transitivie
%   dependencies are effects of $do$ actions 

dep(Oo,Ao,T1,Oi,Ai,Vi) :- do(Ao,T1), ineffset(Ao,Oo), inreadset(Ao,Oi), cversion(Oi,Ai,Vi,T1).

depTrans(Oo,Ao,Vo,Oi,Ai,Vi) :- dep(Oo,Ao,Vo,Oi,Ai,Vi).

depTrans(Oo,Ao,Vo,Oi2,Ai2,Vi2) :- depTrans(Oo,Ao,Vo,Oi1,Ai1,Vi1),depTrans(Oi1,Ai1,Vi1,Oi2,Ai2,Vi2).


%%%% OK status of activities
%   the diagnosis provides information about -ok activities
-ok(A,T) :- failure(A,T).
-ok(A,T2) :- activity(A), node(T2), -ok(A,T1), next(T1,T2), not substituted(A,T2), not isTransFaulty(A,T1).
 ok(A,T2) :- activity(A), node(T2), not -ok(A,T2). 

%%%% ENABLED activities
%   an activity is enabled if it is placed on the branch which was correctly truesignaled

notEnabled(A,T) :- xedges(A,O), cversion(O,X,V,T), not value(O,X,V,truesignaled,T).

notEnabled(A,T) :- xedges(A,O), cversion(O,X,V,T), value(O,X,V,truesignaled,T), not notsusp(O,X,V,T).

enabled(A,T) :- node(T), activity(A), not notEnabled(A,T).

%%%% SKIPPED activities
%   an activity is skipped (must not be executed) if it is placed 
%   on the branch which was correctly falsesignaled

skipped(A,T) :-     node(T), xedges(A,O), cversion(O,X,V,T),

%%%% DO ACTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%   an activity can be executed if there is a slot for this execution,
%   all its input objects are in ok state,
%   and if 
do(A,T) v -do(A,T) :-  node(T), doAt(A,T), ok(A,T), enabled(A,T), 
                        not someCurrInputSuspOrUnfixed(A,T), 
                        not goal_reached(T), 
                        not impossible(a,T).
%   after executing 1)an activity it is considered as completed
%   2)old value of all ouput objects are stored in vbe relation
%   3)objects in effect set become new versions of object states
completed(A,T1,T2) :- do(A,T1), next(T1,T2).
completed(A,V,T2) :- completed(A,V,T1), next(T1,T2).

vbe(Ao,T1,Oo,Ax,Vx) :- do(Ao,T1), ineffset(Ao,Oo), cversion(Oo,Ax,Vx,T1).

 cversion(Oo,A,T1,T2)  :- do(A,T1), next(T1,T2), ineffset(A,Oo).
-cversion(Oo,AX,VX,T2) :- do(A,T1), next(T1,T2), ineffset(A,Oo), cversion(Oo,AX,VX,T1).

cversion(O,A,V,T2) :- cversion(O,A,V,T1), next(T1,T2), not -cversion(O,A,V,T2).

%   executing a choosing block activity causes signaling of its branches (truesignaled or falsesignaled)
%% check if inputs during this execution differ from the old one

notSameInputsOfActionAt(A,T2,T1) :- xor(A), doAt(A,T2), 
                                    inreadset(A,O), cversion(O,AE,VE,T2), 
                                    completed(A,T1,T2), dep(_,A,T1,O,AF,VF), AE != AF.
notSameInputsOfActionAt(A,T2,T1) :- xor(A), doAt(A,T2), 
                                    inreadset(A,O), cversion(O,AE,VE,T2), 
                                    completed(A,T1,T2), dep(_,A,T1,O,AF,VF), VE != VF.
sameInputsOfActionAt(A,T2,T1) :- xor(A), doAt(A,T2), completed(A,T1,T2), not notSameInputsOfActionAt(A,T2,T1). 

actionSameInputsExists(A,T2) :- node(T1), sameInputsOfActionAt(A,T2,T1).

%%%% CASE if values are different
%   in this case left branch in the left  time point must be truesignaled
%       and the right branch in the right time point must be truesignaled
value(O1,A,T0,truesignaled,T1) :-  next(T0,T1), next(T0,T2), leftrightnexts(T1,T2), 
                                    not actionSameInputsExists(A,T0),
                                    do(A,T0), xor(A), ineffset(A,O1),
value(O2,A,T0,truesignaled,T2) :-  next(T0,T1), next(T0,T2), leftrightnexts(T1,T2), 
                                    not actionSameInputsExists(A,T0),
                                    do(A,T0), xor(A), ineffset(A,O2),

%%%% FALSE signaling
%   if one choosing block variable was signaled to true than the second 
%   one must be signaled to false 

value(O1,A,T0,falsesignaled,T) :-  value(O2,A,T0,truesignaled,T), 
                                    xor(A), ineffset(A,O1),ineffset(A,O2), O1 != O2.

%%%% CASE if values are the same as it was at some execution time previously
%   then all variables must be signaled in the same way in both new time branches

value(O,A,T1,truesignaled,T2) :-  next(T1,T2),
                                    do(A,T0), xor(A), 
%   true/false signaling is an inertial property (it stay the same in all subsequent time points

value(O,X,V,Val,T2) :- value(O,X,V,Val,T1), next(T1,T2).
%   the time point is impossible (and not be analysed) if an appropriate branch of a choosing block
%   was correctly falsesignaled during the initial workflow execution

impossible(T2) :- doAt(A,T1), 
                    next(T1,T2), next(T1,T3), leftrightnexts(T2,T3),
                    ineffset(A,O), leftright(O,_), notsusp(O,A,TX,T2),
                    cversion(O,A,TX,T2), value(O,A,TX,falsesignaled,T2).
impossible(T3) :- doAt(A,T1), 
                    next(T1,T2), next(T1,T3), leftrightnexts(T2,T3),
                    ineffset(A,O), leftright(_,O), notsusp(O,A,TX,T3), 
                    cversion(O,A,TX,T3), value(O,A,TX,falsesignaled,T3).                    
%   impossible is an inertial property (it stay the same in all subsequent time points
impossible(a,T2) :- next(T1,T2), impossible(a,T1).

%%%% COMPENSATE ACTION %%%%%%%%%%%
%   an objects effected by an activity can be compensated if there is a slot for this compensation
%   there we no other executions of this activity previously
%   and if all required objects are in appropriate states.
%   A state of on object can be considered as appropriate if the last activity which effected
%   this object is exactly the activity which will be compensated (one step back compensation)
%   or simply if it is compensatable (always compensatable case).
%   impossible time points can be excluded to make the reasoning process faster

someCurrMissingOfComp(A,O,T) :- lastCompleted(A,V,T), ineffset(A,O), cversion(O,Ax,Vx,T), Ax != A.
someCurrMissingOfComp(A,O,T) :- lastCompleted(A,V,T), ineffset(A,O), cversion(O,Ax,Vx,T), Ax = A, Vx != V.

completedAgainLater(A,T1,T):- completed(A,T1,T), completed(A,T2,T), before(T1,T2).

lastCompleted(A,V,T) :- completed(A,V,T), not completedAgainLater(A,V,T). 

comp(A,V,O,T) v -comp(A,V,O,T) :- compAt(A,O,T), lastCompleted(A,V,T), alwaysComp(A,O),  
                                  not impossible(a,T).

comp(A,V,O,T) v -comp(A,V,O,T) :- compAt(A,O,T), lastCompleted(A,V,T), oneBackComp(A,O), 
                              not someCurrMissingOfComp(A,O,T), 
                              not impossible(a,T). 
% compensation of an activity restores the old states of objects which they had before the execution of this activity

cversion(O,Ai,Vi,T2) :- comp(A,V,O,T1), next(T1,T2), vbe(A,V,O,Ai,Vi).
-cversion(O,Ax,Vx,T2) :- comp(A,V,O,T1), next(T1,T2), cversion(O,Ax,Vx,T1).

%%%% SUBSTITUTE ACTION %%%%%%%%%%%
%   an activity can be substituted if there is a slot for this substitution
%   all activities which are not ok at some time point get a subsAt before doAt.
subs(A,T) v -subs(A,T) :- subsAt(A,T), not impossible(a,T). 

% activity is considered as substituted (affects its ok / -ok state at appropriate time points)
substituted(A,T2) :- subs(A,T1), next(T1,T2). 

%   the diagnoser provides only names of activities which are considered to be faulty
%   time points of their execution must be restrored from the execution logs
%   this is the case where activities were executed at most once, e.g. no diagnosis of 
%   previously repaired work flow instances
failure(A,T):-permanentfaulty(A), effectsObserved(A,T).
failure(A,T):-transientfaulty(A), effectsObserved(A,T).

isTransFaulty(A,T):-transientfaulty(A), effectsObserved(A,T).

%%%%%% REASONING GOAL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
goalReached(T) :- cversion(finished,endflow,V,T), notsusp(finished,endflow,V,T).
finalNode(X) :- node(X), not fromNode(X). 
fromNode(X) :- next(X,Y).
:- finalNode(T), not goalReached(T), not impossible(a,T). %[1:2]
